Speech Pathologist / Educator
Did you Know?
Not all Speech Pathologist and Special Education Teachers Know about STAP. Alamo Assistive Technology is here to change that.
We also offer a loaner program – just ask!
Grid 3 allows for remote editing to facilitate educator and Speech involvement in editing.
What is STAP?
The Specialized Telecommunication Assistance Program is a grant program through the state of Texas offered to Texas residents that meet medical necessity. Through the program patients/students that need devices for their communication needs can get free equipment. That means their AAC is covered! STAP covers mounts, key guards, SGD Moisture Guards (durable cases), Switches, and of course SGD Level 1, 2, and 3. (See Our Devices) Your client will get a voucher in the mail that they can exchange with a vendor like Alamo Assistive Technology to get what they need. They are eligible for communication devices every 5 years from age 5 to 99.

How to Start a STAP Application for your Client/Student
Have an appropriate client and need a demo? Fill out the form below. Alamo Assistive Technology can walk you through the process to get you client what they need.